Покана за фолклорни концерти "Дух жив, корен здрав, огън български"




„ЦЕНТЪР ЗА ИЗКУСТВА РАДОСТ“ ЕООД в партньорство с „Младежко движение за развитието на селските райони в България“ и Община Ботевград канят всички жители и гости на община Ботевград на фолклорни концерти под надслов „Дух жив, корен здрав, огън български“. Те ще се проведат както следва:



Дух жив, корен здрав, огън български

Радваме се да съобщим, че проектопредложението „Дух жив, корен здрав, огън български“ на „Център за изкуства Радост“ гр. Ботевград е одобрено за финансиране от Национален фонд „Култура“. Нашата организация е партньор в проекта. Основната цел на проекта е да допринесе за поддържане и развитие на творческия потенциал на любители-танцьори в община Ботевград и да задоволи културните потребности на местното население в областта на българския фолклор.



Toolbox "Think Critically Act Logically" for combating Fake News





Fake news and disinformation are very common nowadays. Young people are the most vulnerable and targeted groups who consume and produce the information online. It causes misleading and raises intolerance and discrimination among them towards various groups including minorities, refugees and etc. YMDRAB as an organisation with the mission to bring peace and tolerance has addressed those issues by implementing a project named “Think Critically Act Logically” in partnership with youth organisations from Greece, Romania, Portugal, Ukraine, Georgia and Armenia.



Call for participants in project Think Critically Act Logically

YMDRAB announces a Call for participants in project Think Critically Act Logically. The project aims at contributing to the prevention the intolerance and discrimination caused by fake news and disinformation in social media and beyond via empowering youth workers. The invitation is addressed to youth workers from Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Portugal, Ukraine, Georgia and Armenia.



Rural footprints





13 YMDRAB’s members had a meeting with 1 politician (representative of “Democratic Bulgaria” political party) and 2 scientists from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The event took place in Forest Research Institute – BAS in Sofia on 25.09.2021. They discussed together legal, political and social barriers Bulgarian young people face in accessing their rights at local level.



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Projects 2015:

Project “The magic to communicate” №2015-1-BG01-KA105-013472 has been funded with support from the “Erasmus+” Programme of the European Commission, administered in Bulgaria by “Human Resource Development Center”. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the European Commission, “Erasmus+” Programme or the HRDC cannot be held responsible for any of the contain or its use.

Project “Stronger Together: Youth Collaboration for interreligious solidarity” № 6471.2.PA.2015 is implemented with the support of the European Youth Foundation, Council of Europe. This website reflects the views only of the authors, and the Council of Europe and the European Youth Foundation cannot be held responsible for any of the contain or its use.

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